Peñaranda, Raúl

From Military Dictatorships to Evo Morales Populism : Three Decades of Intense bolivian History / Raúl Peñaranda - La Paz, Bolivia : Página siete, 2014. - 212 p. ; 21 cm.

Chapter 1. From Military Governments to Evo morales years -- Chapter 2. The pendulum of public versus private ownership and the hesitant economic performance -- Chapter 3. The perennial political stability-instability cycle -- Chapter 4. Paradoxical revolution, evaluating the Evo Morales administration -- Chapter 5. Bolivia: A democracy in Dynamic Development, a Chronicle About Struggle of Ideologists -- Chapter 6. Perpectives on Three Historical Decades

Política y gobierno
Morales, Evo

321.9 / P22f