Nordenskiöld, Erland 1877-1932

The Ethnography of South-America seen from Mojos in Bolivia Erland Nordenskiöld - Göteborg Elanders boktryckeri aktiebolag 1924 - 254 p. ilus., maps. 24 cm. - Comparative Ethnographical Studies Volúmen 3 .

Solamente se tiene el volumen 3. Incluye mapas e ilustraciones.

Introduction.-- Dwellings.-- Beds and other fittings of the hut.-- Cultivation.-- Hunting.-- Weapons for attack and defence.-- Domestic animals.-- Implements.-- Appliances for fire-drilling and lighting.-- Utensils used in preparing and consuming food.-- Narcotics.-- Clothing.-- Articles connected with the deformation of the body.-- Ornaments, etc.-- Carrying.-- Games and playthings.-- Musical instruments.-- Various kinds of handicraft.-- Burial.-- Summary and comparisons.-- Bibliography.

IndÍgenas de Sudamérica
Geografía humana--Mojos (Beni)
Cultura mojeña
Antrolpología cultural
Etnias--Pueblos indígenas
Sociedades primitivas

Beni (Bolivia)
